The CEC makes decisions on strategic and financial matters, reviews and monitors financial reports and accounts, monitors compliance of obligations to third-party funding bodies and third-party collaborators and establishes and reviews key performance indicators for the Centre.
Chair and Voting member, Mat Tinkler, Group CEO, Save the Children Australia
Voting member, Professor Simon Tormey, Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts & Education, Deakin University
Voting member, Professor Matthew Clarke, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Deakin University
Voting member, Melanie Book, Head of Humanitarian, Save the Children Australia
Voting member, Anthea Spinks, Independent
Voting member, Mamadou Diop, Regional Representative (West Africa), Action Contre la Faim (ACF – Action Against Hunger)
Voting member, Dr Balwant Singh, Adviser, facilitator and leader – international development, humanitarian programmes, philanthropy, governance and diversity
Voting member, Professor Thea Hilhorst, Professor of Humanitarian Studies, International Institute for Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University
Voting member, Adelina Kamal, Humanitarian, Disaster Management Professional, International Policy Development Strategist
Voting member, Dr. Rina Bruinsma, Head of Government, Australian Red Cross
Ex-Officio, Associate Professor Mary Ana McGlasson, Director, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Ex-Officio, Ashfaq Ali, Projects and Grants Manager, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Secretary, Simran Chahal, Operations Coordinator, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership