Home Research and policyResearch projects

Aligned with our overarching mission to lead and instigate meaningful change of the humanitarian system, CHL conducts collaborative research that not only informs but also influences real-world leadership in humanitarian contexts.

Research projects

Resilient Regions (Victoria)

Together with Deakin University we’re working on a new Australian Government-funded disaster and resilience project examining collaboration between East Gippsland businesses and communities.

Under the flagship Disaster Ready Fund, Australian Business Volunteers will facilitate a series of community-led workshops and meetings, and deliver pro-bono disaster resilience projects with corporate partners and skilled volunteers to boost the capacity of small business and local organisations.

Deakin and CHL researchers will use insights from these sessions to build an evidence-base on the relationships between the business sector, skilled volunteering and community resilience.

Read more in this announcement from Australian Government Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt, or view the short launch video by clicking on the screenshot below.

Leveraging International Humanitarian Law (IHL) knowledge and training

Together with Australian Red Cross, we’re conducting an academic study to determine how International Humanitarian Law (IHL) knowledge can be better leveraged by Australian humanitarians and humanitarian organisations.

In 2024, we will commence a three-year study which will explore the value of IHL training for people in different roles in the humanitarian sector, and seek to map the knowledge and use of IHL. In exchange, study participants will gain access to a range of tailored IHL training opportunities to ensure they meet the minimum recommended IHL knowledge level for their job profile.

Click here to learn more about this research project.

Research citations – 2023/24