Home Education and trainingCoursesProgramme de Leadership en situations de Crise

Update: Le Programme de Leadership en situation de Crise (PLC) is temporarily suspended due to the USAID Stop-Work Order. Please follow CHL on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for further updates.

Le Programme de Leadership en situation de Crise (PLC) offers short, practical courses with flexible delivery models to meet the needs of first responders working in crisis response and recovery.

Participants will gain information to better understand and navigate the disaster response system, as well as develop their own leadership skills.

PLC is delivered in French. For full course information and to apply, please visit the PLC course page on the CHL French website.

Click here to be redirected to the English course, the Crisis Leadership Program.

About the course

PLC Seed, Grow and Extend

The PLC comprises three different courses: Seed, Grow and Extend.

PLC Seed is designed for participants with between 0 and 2 years’ experience (approx.) in conflict, disaster and crisis situations. Participative and action-oriented, PLC Seed provides you with information to better understand and navigate the disaster and crisis response system, and to develop your skills as a leader.

PLC Grow is designed for participants with between 2 and 8 years’ experience (approx.) in conflict, disaster and crisis situations. PLC Grow enables you to hone your leadership skills and provides you with the tools and techniques to better influence and navigate the disaster and crisis response system.

PLC Extend is designed for participants withat least 10 years’ experience (approx.) in conflict, disaster and crisis situations, in an organisational management position, with strategic planning and decision-making responsibilities, human and financial responsibilities and/or roles with external influence on key players and stakeholders.

Candidates must be involved in strategic planning, decision-making, human and financial resource management, and in roles that have a significant influence on external actors and stakeholders. PLC Extend is designed not only to strengthen your ability to lead teams and organisations in crisis situations, but also to help you hone your personal leadership style. The programme fosters deep personal development, helping you to better understand your impact as a leader and to cultivate the skills needed to inspire and mobilise change within the humanitarian and crisis response system.

Course dates 2024/25

Registrations are now closed for the PLC courses, but will open again soon for PLC Extend (see dates below). If you would like to receive information about the next iterations of PLC Seed, Grow or Extend, please contact us using the form here.

PLC Extend

  • 17 – 21 February 2025 | Location: Dakar, Senegal

Download the PLC Extend brochure here


Course fees and associated costs for the in-person intensive module (or for CLP Extend, the five-day intensive course) are charged according to each participant’s employment (see Tier structure below). Course fees are subsidised for participants working with local organisations, with only some logistical costs to be paid for.

Tier 1

  • Participants working for local NGOs or other local organisations.
  • Tier 1 participants are not charged course fees, but are required to pay for transport to the intensive module location, and for some meals.

Tier 2

  • Participants working for international NGOs or the UN.
  • Tier 2 applications are required to pay course fees and travel costs (including accommodation and meals).
  • PLC Seed Tier 2 costs: USD $400
  • PLC Grow Tier 2 costs: USD$550
  • PLC Extend Tier 2 costs USD $550

PLC Seed, Grow and Extend are delivered by a partnership between Centre for Humanitarian Leadership and Action Against Hunger. The PLC is funded by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Program content is the responsibility of the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership and Action Against Hunger and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.


For full eligibility requirements and information on how to apply, please visit our French language course page.

Registration for the PLC Seed and Grow is temporarily closed. When registration reopens, you will be able to register for the PLC Seed or Grow using the form that will be displayed via a link below. Applications are currently open for PLC Extend only. Please see the application criteria above.

The form will adapt to the specific PLC course that is suitable for you, based on your experience in the humanitarian sector.

You will need to download and complete the Soutien aux Employés and upload it with your application. There is one application form for all three PLC courses and it will adapt to the course of your choice.


For any questions regarding the PLC, please email: chl-clp@deakin.edu.au

Inscrivez-vous au PLC Extend ici