Update: Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Leadership Humanitaire (DESLH) is temporarily suspended due to the USAID Stop-Work Order. Please follow CHL on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for further updates.
Applications for the DESLH for 2024 have now closed.
The humanitarian challenges we face are more complex than ever. Natural disasters and multiple, protracted conflicts are creating unprecedented needs for affected populations. At the same time, the issues raised at local, national and global levels are creating new challenges for humanitarians when it comes to their role in the system and how best to act.
To meet these challenges, the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership and Action Against Hunger have partnered to offer French-speaking humanitarian and development workers a Graduate Diploma of Humanitarian Leadership (Francophone). The Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Leadership Humanitaire (DESLH) focuses on high-level leadership behaviors, personal development and current academic knowledge of the sector.
The DESLH is the first full francophone course to be offered by an Australian university. Deakin University has an exceptional reputation with over 40 years of teaching and research in international and community development, pioneering the first graduate program in humanitarian assistance in Australia.
The DESLH is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
To learn more, download the 2024 course brochure (English).
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code 00113B
About the course
A short introduction to the DESLH
Find out in just a few minutes why hundreds of francophone professionals in the humanitarian and development sector have chosen the DESLH in this short video (French language).
2024 Intake: start dates and duration
The 2024 intake of the DESLH will run from March 2024 to December 2024, for a total duration of 9 months.
View the full course information page in French.
Who we teach
Hundreds of francophone humanitarians and development workers have now completed the DESLH since the first intake in 2018. Hear what some of them have to say (Videos are played in French).
View more Student Testimonials.
Successful candidates for the DESLH must meet the following criteria:
- At least 5 years’ professional experience in an organisation or institution involved in humanitarian and/or development operations, including at least 2 years in a coordination and/or management role
- Excellent oral and writing skills in French, equivalent to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) http://www.institutfrance.si/cecrl.2.html
- Organisational and managerial agreement in principle to take part in the intensive units for existing candidates.
For optimum learning conditions, it is strongly recommended that candidates have an internet connection with a speed equivalent of 10 mega bytes per second (mbs).
This unique French-language program is partially subsidised thanks to financial support from USAID* and Deakin University. Out-of-pocket expenses are determined by the type of employment contract and organisation you work for.
Applications from people from the Global South, women and other gender minorities are strongly encouraged.
Please note that a number of scholarships are available, with priority given to women and representatives of local NGOs.
For more information about fees, click here.
For further information or questions, please contact us at:
* The Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian Leadership is funded by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of the program is the responsibility of the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership and Action Against Hunger, and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Applications for the DESLH for 2024 have now closed.
Please sign up for our newsletter to be notified when applications will open for future intakes.